Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture
Statutes of the Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture Programme (Approved on June 15, 2017)
Wishing to contribute towards the preservation and progress of Finno-Ugric peoples, languages and cultures;
Recognizing the need for creating new socio-economic development opportunities for Finno-Ugric peoples;
Encouraging efforts to strengthen Finno-Ugric identity and image – both in traditional Finno-Ugric regions and in the wider world,
Acknowledging successful implementation of the Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture programme during the initial 4-year cycle of 2014-2017,
MAFUN (Youth Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples) has agreed to continue administering the programme of Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture for the 5-year period of 2018-2022, starting with the selection of Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture 2019 by April 30, 2018.
1. Meaning of Capital of Culture
1.1.The title of Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture allows its holder to act as a symbolic cultural heart of the Finno-Ugric movement, with full support and encouragement of the Youth Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples (MAFUN) and the Finno-Ugric movement at large.
1.2.Any populated area in the historical Finno-Ugric habitats, irrespectively of the size of its population and proportion of Finno-Ugric peoples in the general population, may qualify for the title of Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture, except in cases listed under 1.3
1.3.Applicant of the Capital of Culture programme can be a public authority (e.g., municipality or regional administration) or a non-governmental organization. In either case, co-operation between public sector and civil society in developing and implementing the Capital of Culture programme is expected.
1.4.National capitals, as well as administrative centres (capitals) of Russia’s federal subjects do not qualify as Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture.
1.5.The title of a Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture is awarded for one calendar year: from January 1 to December 31.
2. Rights and obligations of Capitals of Culture
2.1.Title of Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture confers the following rights to its holder:
2.1.1. To officially present itself as Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture, including in information materials, public space and media.
2.1.2. To use symbols of Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture as agreed (see 6. Symbols of Capital of Culture)
2.1.3. Adapt and elaborate the preliminary programme in co-ordination with the Programme Bureau (see 3. Administration of Capital of Culture)
2.2.Title of Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture confers the following obligations to its holder:
2.2.1. To form an Organizing Committee
2.2.2. Submit to the Programme Bureau for approval a detailed Capital of Culture programme at least 6 months prior to commencement of the Capital of Culture year
2.2.3. Implement a diverse and attractive cultural programme that includes At least 12 official programme events during the year At least one programme event in every quarter One flagship event – key event of the year
2.2.4. Regularly (at least quarterly) inform the Programme Bureau and general public about Capitals of Culture events (via website, social media, press releases, articles, etc.)
2.2.5. Submit to the Programme Bureau a summary of implemented activities and results within 3 months after the completion of the Capital of Culture year.
3. Administration of Capitals of Culture
3.1. For administration of the programme in line with the current Statutes, MAFUN will authorize a non-governmental organization registered in a country with significant Finno-Ugric population, to act as Programme Bureau during the programme period (2018-2022).
3.2. Tasks of the Programme Bureau include:
3.2.1. Administer the selection process of Capitals of Culture, including Assemble the selection jury according to criteria listed in the current statute Provide necessary support to the selection jury (collect applications, prepare materials, organize jury’s work, etc.)
3.2.2. Advise the Organizing Committee on programme development, marketing and other relevant topics.
3.2.3. Approve the Capitals of Culture programme and plan of activity at least 3 months before commencement of the Capitals of Culture year
3.2.4. Raise international awareness of the Capitals of Culture programme
3.2.5. Build domestic and international partnerships for the Capitals of Culture programme
3.2.5. Seek opportunities to secure additional financing for the Capitals of Culture programme with the view to ensure long-term sustainability of the programme
3.3. Programme Bureau must conduct its activities transparently and inclusively, in particular by enabling persons and organizations interested in contributing to the Capitals of Culture programme to do so, in coordination with the Programme Bureau.
3.4. Programme Bureau will submit semi-annual activity reports to the Board of MAFUN starting with the period July – December 2017.
4. Selection of Capitals of Culture
4.1. Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture are selected as a result of an international competition. Capitals of Culture are selected transparently, in accordance with the procedures and described in the current statutes. Capitals of Culture selection process is co-ordinated by the Programme Bureau while the selection is made by Capitals of Culture jury.
4.2. Capitals of Culture jury consists of 5 members as follows:
4.2.1. Chairman of the Jury – President of MAFUN
4.2.2. 4 members nominated by MAFUN (external experts from the cultural and creative sector, media and/or civic leaders, representing geographical and cultural diversity of the Finno-Ugric world)
4.3. Capitals of Culture applications are to be evaluated based on the following criteria:
· Substantive quality of the proposed program of the Capital of Culture year
· Engagement of civil society in developing and implementing the programme
· Availability of resources and administrative support to implement the programme
· Prior experience of Applicant in implementing cultural projects
4.4. Capitals of Culture will be selected according to the following procedure and timeline:
4.4.1. The competition is annual and one Capital of Culture location will be selected at a time.
4.4.2. Programme Bureau announces the competition for next year’s Capital of Culture at least 12 months before commencement of the Capital of Culture year.
4.4.3. Detailed documentation of the competition will be published on the home page of Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture programme at the time of announcement of the competition and will be disseminated as widely as possibly in all Finno-Ugric regions.
4.4.4. Programme Bureau is responsible for disseminating information about the competition.
4.4.5. Jury will announce results of the competition no later than 6 months prior to commencement of the Capital of Culture Year.
5. Ensuring Diversity of Capitals of Culture
5.1. Capitals of Culture programme aims to offer an equal opportunity to participate for all Finno-Ugric peoples /regions while ensuring that the programme reflects the cultural and geographic diversity of the Finno-Ugric world.
5.2. The programme will not continue to apply the principle of rotation as during the initial 2014-2017 period in order to provide even more opportunities for participation from all Finno-Ugric regions.
5.3. To ensure minimal cultural and geographic diversity of the programme, two locations from the same country (in case of all countries with Finno-Ugric indigenous populations except the Russian Federation) or from the same federal subject of the Russian Federation) cannot be capitals of culture on consecutive years.
6. Symbols of the Capital of Culture
6.1. Every Capital of Culture designs a logo which includes the following elements: 1) name of the Capital of Culture, 2) year of the capital of culture, and 3) text „Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture“
6.2. At least two versions of the logo will be designed: 1) in a Finno-Ugric language of the region, 2) in English.
6.3. Usage of the logo is advisable in all information nand marketing materials, public space, websites and other media representing the Capital of Culture programme.
7. Programme duration
7.1. Second period of the Finno-Ugric Capitals of Culture Programme is established for 5 years (2018 -2022), with 2018 serving as a planning year for Finno-Ugric Capital of Culture 2019.